We understand sometimes you'll need to withdraw your funds from Manzil Invest and we're here to help.
Partial Withdrawals
You can withdraw partial amounts from your RRSP or TFSA account whenever you'd like. Keep in mind that there may be certain tax implications depending on when and how you withdraw. Be sure to consider how this may affect you before proceeding with a withdrawal.
Read more about withdrawing from your RRSP here.
Read more about withdrawing from your TFSA here.
Full Withdrawals/Closing Accounts
If you wish to close your account (no matter the type) - you'll need to first withdraw all funds, and then submit a request to formally close the account.
In order to close your account; we'll contact you to help you need to make sure everything is in order. We'll help make sure you don't have any scheduled deposits set up and determine the best way to transfer your funds.
Please note: if you wish to withdraw 98% or more of your account balance - we will process it as a full withdrawal. Additionally, closing your Manzil Invest account will not automatically close your Manzil account. You will need to submit a request in addition.